if it weren't for a free monday, i don't think my body could handle such a packed month. it consisted of traveling to the south and back west, celebrating birthdays, attending weddings, enjoying ingrid michaelson's lovely yet sassy tunes from the second row at the lincoln theater, dealing with a flat tire, watching x-men until one in the morning, and making my way through dc. may has been a lil' crazy and has left me in need of much rest. lucky me, i get to share with you some tidbits from the small moments in between and the big ones.
on another note, it's officially been a full year since graduation--today in fact--which makes me nostalgic in more ways than one. without grace and prayer, i wouldn't be able to say that it's been well worth the fight. it's going to get harder i'm sure, yet, i'm confident that each year will be well worth the fight like this past year's.
wishing you a productive and relaxing monday, daph.