the line above was my go-to phrase in paris. little do we know, paris inserts itself in many elements of our lives here in the u.s. and well, it's beeeeeeeeeautiful. the food, people, scenery, and culture are things you simply need to experience.
i had the pleasure of traveling with two fine friends of mine, one i've known since third grade and the other since ninth grade history class. within 8 days, my phone filled up with pictures even though i tried my best to enjoy the moments. we ate a good amount, indulging in endless baguettes and pastries with some lick-your-bowl worthy sit down meals. we also racked up some mileage on our feet, walking basically everywhere and pushing ourselves beyond our limit.
paris is a city worth visiting and now, with my rejuvenated love for france, i hope to visit other parts of the country soon. okay, now. pics or it didn't happen. you ready?
places featured: versailles, giverny, marché d'Aligre sainte-chapelle, the louvre, musée Rodin, musée d'Orsay, musée de l'Orangerie, views from the eiffel, arc de triomphe, and nortre dame
paris, france (and then some)